Make FinTech Accessible To All

A man in a white chef shirt and black hat looks back over his shoulder, smiling. A stainless steel kitchen galley and other chefs are blurred out in the background.A person holding a tablet with icons on it.

The efficiencies and anytime, anywhere availability of the digital economy are well-known and loved facets of the western world’s financial atmosphere. The FinTech revolution allows users to bank digitally with ease. Today people can transfer funds between accounts, deposit checks using their smartphone, and split the bill at dinner with the use of a few key emojis. What we experience as a new and exciting financial frontier, however, can be perceived quite differently across the globe. To the majority of Brightwell’s customer base – people for whom a cash-based economy is the norm and digital banking is new – the rise of financial technology and digital currency evokes very different emotions: uncertainty, confusion, and fear.

A Unique Product for a Unique Audience

At Brightwell, we recognize the apprehension in our customers (primarily global workers employed on cruise ships) and want to do something about it – with clear messaging, on-ship support, and a dedication to being available for our customers 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We’re working toward helping unbanked populations ease into a new, cashless world, and we believe the foundation of a successful partnership begins with empathy and reliability. It’s our mission to fortify these building blocks, and in turn, create a culture of trust and confidence in our services.

Be the Guide, Shine the Light

Above all, Brightwell believes in transparency and simplicity. We do our best to steer clear of industry jargon that could confuse and frustrate a person who’s new to digital commerce – and what we’ve created is a more human digital product. We visit ships and meet one-on-one with crew members, hearing their stories and listening to their challenges so we are better-equipped to be the guide they need. We know there are real-life consequences if our customers aren’t able to send money home easily. It could be the difference in not being able to get food on the table or paying for life’s necessities like housing, medical bills, and so much more. That’s why we take our role as handlers of their hard-earned salaries very seriously.

We want crew members to know we see them as more than a number, and that we’re only successful if they are. Brightwell positions itself as a resource to help lead new users of financial technology through the tricky transition from a cash-based economy to a digital one. But more than anything, we seek to act as arbiters to a brighter financial future – we’re here for you, we’re listening, and we’ll do whatever we can to help make financial freedom accessible and easy for everyone, regardless of geographic location.

Unlocking the Future our Customers Deserve

We’ll keep working tirelessly to help unbanked and underserved populations enjoy the experience of financial freedom and learn how to set goals, create pathways for financial success, and explore their own financial planning. Success to us is fluid, as we can always do more and take additional steps toward providing a service to our customers.

Offering an opportunity for financial empowerment and control for migrant workers is just the first chapter of the Brightwell story. We are excited to continue along the journey with our crews as they become financially confident and join the ranks of fintech users across the globe.