Crew member spotlight: Perpetual

Carnival Cruise Line crew member Perpetual Kanyemba smiles with her hands on her hips in front of the Carnival Miracle ship. She receieves her pay via Brightwell's global payroll solution, Navigator, which aims to empower global workers by providing quick, secure, and efficient access to finances.A person holding a tablet with icons on it.

Working on a cruise ship often takes you to exotic locations far from your home – something Perpetual Kanyemba knows firsthand. Perpetual is from Harare, Zimbabwe, thousands of miles from her current location on-ship in her role as Youth Staff for Carnival Cruise Lines. Though she has only been at sea for about six months, Perpetual has embraced crew lifein every possible way, seizing the chance to have adventures all over the globe before life gets too hectic. “My husband and I do not have children yet, and we thought this was an opportunity to travel, make money, and save before we settledown to start a family,” she says of her reason to become a crew member. “The best part [of working on a cruise ship] istraveling and seeing places I would ordinarily not go to on my own.”

Perpetual and her husband both work on-ship, so they are doing double duty to achieve their goals. “We want to buy ourown property, get a travel business off the ground, and then start a family. Financial freedom would help us enjoy moretime with our kids and leave a legacy for them.” With their finances always in mind, Perpetual uses plenty of tools toget her money where it needs to go when it needs to get there, and also set her family up for future success.

“Since my husband and I are both on-ship, we send money back and forth to eachother, as well as to our parents back home. I also send money to other bank accounts to help build a creditrecord and start our savings.”

Perpetual has a contagious smile, and her positive energy radiates through her work and excitement for what her futureholds. Among the places she has traveled, Perpetual singles out Grand Cayman as her favorite, loving the exposure to newcultures and people. She has plans to share this experience with her loved ones, as well. “We will be introducing cruising as a family tradition to our siblings and cousins,” she reveals. “We want to organize a family holiday cruise every two years.”

Though the job can be tough, Perpetual has some excellent advice for anyone thinking about taking the leap into a lifeat sea. “Know why you are on the cruise ships,” she says. “To work and to save, so as to prepare a better future forourselves.” But everyone needs a break once in a while, and hard-working Perpetual is no different. “There’s nothing wrong with fun! But do all things in moderation.” Perpetual has only just started on her journey at sea, but we predictshe will have a bright future. She keeps her eye on the prize sticking with her responsible habits to meet her long-term goals.