Brightwell speaks at KSU on International Marketing

Kennesaw State University professor Tyra Burton stands onstage with the Brightwell marketing team (Joe Bechely, Kelly O'Malley, Sarah Davis, and Jacqueline Adoghe) following their presentation at the school about international business marketing. Brightwell is a fintech company and global payments enabler dedicated to providing financial access to people all over the world.A person holding a tablet with icons on it.

Brightwell was invited to speak at Kennesaw State University about our international business and share real-life marketing examples. Jaqueline Adoghe, our Summer 2022 Marketing intern, and Shane Burton, our Client Service Specialist, connected our us with Tyra Burton, a Marketing Professor at KSU. Professor Burton asked us to talk about Brightwell's global presence as well as our upcoming Summer 2023 internship program. Our team gladly accepted this invitation and traveled to Kennesaw, Georgia to speak to Professor Burton's International Marketing and Social Media Marketing classes.

After providing a brief overview of Brightwell and our services, our marketing team, Joe Bechely, Kelly O'Malley, and Sarah Davis, focused on one of our company's most important aspects: its evolution. We were able to discuss not only how the company's brand and culture have evolved, but also the significant pivot Brightwell made during the COVID-19 pandemic. While the cruise industry was closed until further notice, our team concentrated on developing and launching two new market services, Arden and ReadyRemit. This transformation was monumental for Brightwell's growth and our ongoing desire to serve our users.

While an overview of the Brightwell brand was a focus in both classes, we modified the presentation slightly depending on the class. For the International Marketing class, we focused on the adaptations we make for our international consumers, who are the primary users of Brightwell Navigator.  We discussed the importance of language and word choice, the need for visual-heavy content, and the tech-savvy of our user-base and how they consume content. We even brought our marketing personas as props to show the students that every decision we make begins with our users.

For the Social Media Marketing class, we detailed more about how we use social media as a tool to communicate to our Navigator users. Jacqueline took the lead during this class, as she spent her entire internship building out our newly branded, Brightwell Navigator social media campaign.

Throughout the presentation, our team was impressed by the KSU students' thirst for knowledge and engagement. Brightwell is excited to speak to future classes and to expand our relationship with Kennesaw State University. If you or someone you know would like to apply for our Summer internship program, please visit our careers page in early Spring. Follow us on LinkedIn for the most recent job posting updates.